Page 57 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
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39% of respondents indicated that they feel there an issue with the work-readiness of some new entrants to their business/industry. Similarly, the majority indicated that the biggest issue is the lack of work experience held by these new entrants. This is followed by a lack of the desired skills and new entrants exhibiting poor attitudes and levels of motivation.
Skills Challenges
Whilst it is positive that the majority of respondents are not experiencing skills challenges, 41% are. The majority of these skills challenges are experienced in professional occupations, followed by associate professionals and technical occupations and administrative and secretarial occupations.
When asked to define these skills challenges, respondents indicated that ‘specialist knowledge and skills to undertake the role’; (46%), ‘advanced or specialist IT skills’ (29%) and ‘entrepreneurial skills’ (29%) were most in need.
An analysis60 of the top hard and soft skills required by employers within the sector recruiting between January 2018 -2019 corroborate these findings;
   Top Hard Skills
Sales Management Communications Customer Service Finance Administration Recruitment Training
Accounting Information Technology
Top Soft Skills
Project Management Ethics
Coordinating Tenacity
Career Development
                     60 RLSP analysis of EMSI Job Posting Analytics
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles

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