Page 59 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 59
3.6 Health and Social Care
The Health and Social Care sector is integral to the way we work and live and is a crucial element of the foundational economy. The sector is under significant pressure due to an increasingly ageing population, childcare demands, changing lifestyles, public expectations and new and emerging technologies. This further compounded by the fact that people are generally living longer with increasing multiple and complex care needs coupled with decreasing experienced health and social care staff to support them.
The sector supports 56,206 full and part time jobs within the region, which is 14% above the national average. No change is expected for the region in terms of growth with data indicating static projections, whilst nationally growth of 1.6% is expected.
Employment is largest is the following sectors:
• Care workers and home carers (10,957)
• Nurses (8,937)
• Healthcare support workers (4,228)
• Medical practitioners (3,447)
• Cleaners and domestics (1,499)
It was estimated that in 2016, GVA for the adult social care sector was £1.2 billion, representing 1.9% of the total GVA for Wales. The average level of productivity for the same time period was £18,700 with average earnings in the sector estimated at £16,900.61
Furthermore, the total direct, indirect and induced value of the adult social care sector in Wales was estimated to be 126,800 jobs (93,600 FTEs) and £2.2 billion.62
Employer Evidence - Response Profile
Neath Port Talbot
Business Size Total
Micro Small Medium Large53
8 4 2 5 19 42107 885 5 26 3275 3 38 695 2 38 221 3 8 11057 32 53 19 23 127
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales Sector Profiles