Page 95 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 95
Recommendation Learning & Career Choices
Key Stakeholders
Key Actions Year 1
3. To develop a range of resources that adequately
• 14-19
• Continue to increase engagement with secondary schools across the region. • Develop sector specific interventions
• Continue to increase engagement with secondary schools across the region.
• Continue to increase engagement with secondary schools across the region.
promote poorly perceived sectors and share this intelligence with relevant stakeholders.
• Industry chairs
• MiFuture
• Careers Wales
• FE, WBL and
and resources that can be shared with
• Review feedback gathered in year 1 and develop interventions in line with the findings.
• Review feedback gathered in year 2 and develop interventions in line with the findings.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales
Annex 1 - Action Plan
HE Providers
• Gather feedback on interventions from learners to inform future interventions.
• Continue to increase engagement with
• Continue to increase the prevalence of industry in schools through working with relevant stakeholders to promote good practice i.e. Education Business Exchange’.
learners and schools as a whole.
• Increase the prevalence of industry in
schools through working with relevant stakeholders to promote good practice i.e. Education Business Exchange’.
• Develop sector specific interventions and resources that can be shared with learners and schools as a whole.
• Develop sector specific interventions and resources that can be shared with learners and schools as a whole. Continue to increase the prevalence of industry in schools through working with relevant stakeholders
secondary schools across the region.
• Develop sector specific interventions
to promote good practice i.e.
and resources that can be shared with
• Gather feedback from learners as in year 1.
Education Business Exchange’
• Review interventions to inform the
learners and schools as a whole.
• Increase the prevalence of industry in
development of the Regional
schools through working with relevant stakeholders to promote good practice i.e. Education Business Exchange’.
• Review interventions with Mifuture and Simply Do Ideas to inform the coming year. Continue to develop interventions in line with the review.
Employment and Skills Plan.
• Update the careers maps (created in
• Gather feedback on interventions from learners to inform future interventions.
• Continue to support partners in the development and facilitation of specific careers events/fairs
i.e. Promotion of women into construction/engineering and STEM related industries.
Further develop these.
• Continue to support partners in the
• Begin to develop interventions in partnership with innovative organisations such as MiFuture and Simply Do Ideas.
development and facilitation of specific careers events/fairs
i.e. Promotion of women into construction/engineering and STEM related industries.
• Map out careers maps for each priority sector – highlighting learning routes and the range of job roles available in each respective sector.
• Measure the effectiveness of the careers maps (created in year 1) for the priority sectors. Further develop these i.e. dissemination methods etc.
• Support partners in the development and facilitation of specific careers events/fairs i.e. Promotion of women into construction/engineering and STEM related industries.
Year 2
Year 3
year 1) for the priority sectors.