Page 97 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 97
Recommendation Opportunities & Provision
Key Stakeholders
Key Actions Year 1
6. To continue to align activity and provision to large scale aspirational and major projects.
• Industry
• Identify and engage with project leads for large scale infrastructure projects alongside the two other RSP’s in Wales.
• Identify and engage with project leads for large scale infrastructure projects alongside the two other RSP’s in Wales.
• Identify the skills needs required by these projects and the implications they could cause for the wider labour market.
7. Support partners to develop a curriculum that is fit for purpose, ensuring that new provision is facilitated and developed in areas where currently the required resources are not available.
• Welsh
• Support providers to meet the recommendations set out in the Regional Funding Template.
• Support providers to meet the recommendations set out in the Regional Funding Template.
• Review the additional data received from Welsh Government in preparation for the development of the Regional Employment and Skills Plan.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales
Annex 1 - Action Plan
Representatives • FE and WBL
• HE providers
• NTfW
• RLSP Employability
• Identify the skills needs required by these projects and the implications they could cause for the wider labour market.
• Identify the skills needs required by these projects and the implications they could cause for the wider labour market.
• Work with providers to develop a curriculum offer which is flexible and can react to the changing needs of the economy.
• Adult Learning Wales
• Welsh Government
• Departmentfor
• Work with providers to develop a curriculum offer which is flexible and can react to the changing needs of the economy.
• Work with providers to develop a curriculum offer which is flexible and can react to the changing needs of the economy.
• Ensure that this information is included in the development of the Regional Employment and Skills Plan.
Work and Pensions
• CareersWales
• The RLSP Board
• The RLSP
• Acquire further detailed data from Welsh Government to ensure that the Partnership has the required information on which to fulfil their role.
• Acquire further detailed data from Welsh Government to ensure that the Partnership has the required information on which to fulfil their role.
Provider Group • The RLSP
• Begin discussions between employers and providers earlier to build on the level of transparency in the process.
Industry Cluster Groups.
• Engage further with providers to ensure that discussions begin prior to plans being submitted for the next academic year.
• Engage further with providers to ensure that discussions begin prior to plans being submitted for the next academic year.
• Highlight to Welsh Government the barriers faced by providers in terms of delivery to Welsh Government.
• Highlight to Welsh Government the barriers faced by providers in terms of delivery to Welsh Government.
Year 2
Year 3