Page 4 - NFF News March 2019
P. 4

  Ken’s Column
Another report from the former NFF President
Dear Reader,
Happy New Year dear reader, and before I get started, let me wish you all the best for 2019. I can only hope that your trading continues successfully along your planned commercial route.
The coming of a new year usually prompts the
making of New Year resolutions, something I’ve
never done, indeed for a very good reason. I’m sure
you know well enough that New Year resolutions
don’t last, and current research shows that after 66
days the impetus at the start wanes very rapidly. I’m sure this research takes place in a darkened room somewhere.
My own reason for not making New Year resolutions, was that I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep to them. My plan was to look back on the achievements of the past year whether personal or commercial, and strive to better them in the new year, and generally it worked for me, this might work for you dear reader.
In late January the NFF has its AGM. It’s at this meeting our the new President is elected, also at the same meeting, elections to our committees take place. This year our new President is Giles Shaw, who trades in Clitheroe in Lancashire. Giles takes over from Andrew Kenny who during his time in office has been an exemplary president, maintaining the NFF profile within the industry and keeping the NFF reputation to the forefront as the main body for UK fishmongers. Well done Andrew. Our Federation is in good hands as Giles Shaw takes over, best wishes for your term in office Giles.
SEAFISH has made funds available in Scotland to the tune of £400,000 to give support to a training program for catchers as an investment for the future of the fishing industry. The list of Approved Training Bodies (ATBs) listed below certainly shows how wide spread the program will be in Scotland where this type of training would be appreciated.
The Fish Training Association based in Carradale in the highlands: North Atlantic Fisheries College, Marine Centre in Shetland : Fraserburgh based North East Fisherman’s Training Association. There’s also training associations in Orkney, South of Scotland and over on the Isle of Lewis on the west coast of Scotland. Simon Potten, head of safety and training at SEAFISH said, “Commercial fishing is not for the faint hearted, as it’s physically demanding, with long hours and in an unpredictable environment”. The granting of this level of funding for the next year is of great value to the numerous training associations throughout Scotland, and could be introducing a new crop of catchers to our fishing industry.
 Fishing News Awards 2019
This year’s Fishing News Awards evening will take place at the Double Tree Hotel in Aberdeen on Thursday 16th May 2019.
This is the only awards event dedicated to celebrating achievement, innovation and success in the commercial fishing industry. With the closing date for nominations Tuesday 12th February 2019, its too late for this year – but something to consider for your Business in 2020.
Last year, the Independent Fresh Retailer of the Year went to Peter and Chantelle Williams of Fresh from the Boat of Hampshire - a Federation member.
It could be you next year – more details to follow in future editions of this newsletter and the website.
   National Federation of Fishmongers
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