Page 99 - Regional Employment & Skills Plan 2019
P. 99

Key Stakeholders Key Actions
10. The RLSP will further analyse the primary intelligence gathered to understand where employers can be supported further by the RLSP or its partner organisations.
• RLSP • • Welsh Government
• The RLSP Board
• The RLSP
Identify employers facing challenges which can be addressed by the RLSP and its partners.
Continue to promote the work of
• Identify employers facing challenges which can be addressed by the RLSP and its partners.
• Review activity conducted in years 1 and 2 and identify areas which need to be addressed. This will be fed into the Regional Employment and Skills Plan.
11. Ensure that the regional voice is included in all policies related to employment and skills.
• RLSP Board
The RLSP and its board will review this as the need arises.
• The RLSP and its board will review this as the need arises.
• The RLSP and its board will review this as the need arises.
Regional Employment & Skills Plan South West & Mid Wales
Annex 1 - Action Plan
Provider Group
• The RLSP Industry
the RLSP and the importance of Regional Employment and Skills Plan to ensure increased and continued engagement from the privatesector.
Cluster Groups.
• Continue to promote the work of
the RLSP and the importance of the Regional Employment and Skills Plan to ensure increased and continued engagement from the private sector.
Ensure that employers are made aware of the impact that their engagement has had.
• Ensurethatemployersaremade aware of the impact that their engagement has had.

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