Page 3 - GRFC_2021
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     A club at the heart
of the local community...
Vincent Stephens
President, Gwernyfed RFC
As we all look forward to a new season of rugby, here at Trefecca Road, the home of Gwernyfed Rugby Club; we recall a season where very little rugby was played in 2020/2021.
The pandemic has meant that there has been little opportunity for players and supporters to have healthy competition on the pitch and friendly banter in the clubhouse afterwards!
It was also a time where we sadly lost some good friends and supporters of Gwernyfed. These include our Patron, John Morgans, whose guidance and advice will be sorely missed by us all.
John Thomas was a lifelong member of the club, helping to raise valuable funds for improvements to the clubhouse and the pitches, alongside his wifeShan. Agreatclubman,hetoowillbemissed byusall.
Colin Hancock, supported the club in its infancy and often refereed games when matches were played at Gwernyfed School. Derek Hughes played for the first team and was a powerful and robustplayerinthesecondrow. Healways gaveofhisbestonthepitch.
Our condolences go out to their families as we remember their individual contributions to the success of the club over many years.
When the clubhouse was closed during lockdown, this gave Dominic Hayes, our Bar Manager and the team, a valuable window of opportunity to continue with the upgrading of thefacilitiesattheclubhouse. Thenewveranda is a wonderful outside addition and is a facility which can, and is, being used by the wider community of Talgarth.
With the support of many members of the club and local community, I am continuing to press forward with the Highways Department of Powys County Council and others, to secure a newsafecrossingfromtheclubhousetothe pitches. TheoutcomelookspositiveandIhope that this important new road crossing will come to fruition in the near future.
Finally, I would like to extend my personal thanks to everyone who contributes to the runningofGwernyfedRugbyClubthroughout theyear. Let’shopeforafullseasonofrugby, to be enjoyed by us all!
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