Page 4 - JudyHuckArtDesign-Catalogue
P. 4

Judy Huck Art & Design                                                                                4

          mixed media

             People, music and the colorful world around us fascinates and inspires me.
         Everyone and everything has unique qualities. I would have to say that color is my

                                    biggest motivation. Colors are magical.

                Fluid art                             cards                           coasters

                    Abstract                           Handmade                             Ceramic

               Fluid art is abstract and           Handmade using various              Painted ceramic coasters
               earthy                              techniques                          with cork backing

               Each piece has its own              Plenty of room for your             Reasonably priced
               look and feel                       own personal greeting

        Fluid acrylic art is abstract and   Greeting cards are made  using var-  Beautiful ceramic coasters. Each set
        earthy. It is an almost therapeutic   ious mixed  media  techniques  from  has a unique design.
        form of art. It is difficult to recreate   scrapbooking, water  colors,  inks,
        any one piece of art.              graphics, embellishments, paints   Coasters are available in sets of 4. They
                                           and beyond.                        arehandmade  ceramic  tile  coasters.
        Love of art and design has led me in vari-                            Each  coaster  is  4”  by  4.”  They  are
        ous directions. It has always been difficult   The  majority  of  the  greeting  cards  are  created  us-ing  acrylic  paint  which  is
        for me to choose one theme for my art. In   made with the inside blank so that one  applied to a ce-ramic  tile.  The  coasters
        2000 my passion for web and graphic de-  can  add  your  own  personal  greeting.  are  then  sealed  with  finish  (either
        sign inspired me to enrol in the Fine Arts   Each card is sold with an envelope. A few  polycrylic  or  resin)  and  left  to  dry  for
        Certificate Program in Multimedia Design   of the envelopes have been custom de-  few  weeks  to  cure.  Each coaster has a
        at the Faculty of Extension at the Univer-  signed to match the card.  cork  backing  to  protect  sur-faces.  The
        sity of Alberta. This opened up a whole                               coaster sets are available with a wooden
        new world for me. The use of several me-                              holder  or  a  synthetic  wooden  painted
        diums were taught including acrylics, oils,                           box.
        prisma colors, pen and ink, watercolors,
        pencil crayons, charcoals, etc. Recently I
        have  been  working  with  acrylic  fluid  art
        which I find is abstract and earthy.
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