Page 142 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 142
The applause subsided.
“Now on a lighter note,” said principal Cox,
“Sophie Mendoza for the Speak-Ups.”
A short girl with narrow shoulders, long arms, a
narrow torso, straight hips, and short legs trundled up
to the podium. It was obvious she’d been moved to
tears by Naomi’s plea.
She put down her notes and blew her nose – right
into the microphone.
“Oh whoops,” she said and Naomi’s spell was
broken. So were Kayleigh’s eardrums.
"Hey guys, let's think about this... what's more
creative, hanging out with the same old friends or
meeting new people?
"I mean, imagine putting together a bunch of
totally different strangers - like, a barista, a firefighter, a
ballerina, a baseball player, a rapper, a casino dealer,
and even someone who's been to jail!
"When we talk to people who aren't like us, we can
break out of our routines and see things in a whole
new way.