Page 175 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 175
Chapter 25:
A Purpose Quest
We sat facing each other in the shade. It was utterly
silent. Not a breath of wind. Julia marshaled her
’“Find your pay-streak Julia.’ Those were the last
words my dad said to me.” She screwed up her eyes
again and went silent for a moment. “He was a
prospector turned rancher.”
“Mining gold is easy,” he’d say. “Finding the pay-
streak, that’s the problem. It can be right under your
nose but you’ll have no idea it’s there for sure until you
find it! You won’t find it alone. You need a hound-dog
to help you cause it’s a real tricky trail.” She gazed up
at the black clouds on the mountains then turned to
face me. “You call it a gift. He called it a pay-streak. I
get it, either way.”