Page 182 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 182

husband’s family farm thirty miles north of Toronto. It
was her duty to cook, clean, shop and wait on her in-
laws: mother, father, brother and uncle as well as help
them out around the farm when things got hectic.
Susan was at her wits end: insecure, depressed and
anxious. We began by telling her it’s okay to not feel
okay. That it really helps to allow yourself to feel
whatever emotions are coming up. “Everywhere I turn,
I’m marooned,” she said. “I don’t know whether to go
forward, backward. left right. I don’t know which way
to turn.”
When asked to come up with seven words to
describe herself she snapped, “I’m an aggressive, angry
bitch for starters: or so I’m told.” She eventually added:
methodical, loyal, challenging and impatient.
An hour later we’d accurately reframed the words
she gave me to describe herself. When we dug deep
down ‘aggressive’ became ‘stimulating,‘ ’angry’ became
‘quick-witted,‘ ’bitch’ turned into ‘having high
standards’ and ‘impatient’ changed to ‘ambitious.’ The
rest stayed the same.
In a flash Susan realized how over the years the

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