Page 187 - WritingMadlyV3
P. 187

Nicholas Boothman
Question: Do you feel like you don't have
enough education or knowledge to be financially
Hook: You can spend a lifetime reinventing the
wheel, or a short time following in the paths of
those who have done it
Point: you can't do this yourself. You need an
inspiring support group and role models. Here's
how to do it.
Sub 1) Who do you hang with?
First Draj
Lets do an exercise - look around you - who do
you hang with? keep track over the last month the
amount of time spent with friends and who they are
- then look at what they do and what they earn -
then ask are these examples of who you want to be -
how you want to live your life and do they have
what you want? If the answer is no - then you need
to work toward adding some new friends - now a
lot of people say they don’t want to leave old
friends because they are helping them - well folks - I
say that this is a detour and an excuse to not be
helping yourself - do you realize if you are distract-
ed by helping someone else then you have taken the
onus off of yourself to be responsible for your own

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