Page 188 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 188
magnificent ponytail and leaned forward.
“I’ve watched your presentations online. I’
m very
happy to meet you in person.”
I felt as if my feet had just touched solid ground for
the first time since I left my farm in Canada two and a
half days earlier.
“Thanks,” I said. “I guess I’ll have to go shopping
for a suit, shirt, shoes and all that in the morning.”
“It’ll be okay. We’ll help you.” Robert said. “I know
the exact spot - not three minutes from the convention
A lanky young man in long grey shorts and a Blue
Jays jersey approached smiling, carrying a plastic tray.
He put out his right hand and made eye-contact while
balancing the tray with the other hand. “Hi. I’m Denis.”
His handshake was as friendly as his smile.
“Nice shirt.” I said.
“Been quite the night,” Robert said as he reached
onto the tray and handed me a coffee and a bundle of
warm foil. “We’re still waiting for one more speaker to
clear customs. Big name coming in from Las Vegas.”
Robert held the coffee while I peeled back the foil