Page 39 - EAMMV3
P. 39
a red shirt. “Put some truck petrol into this thing here.”
Tilly came over, and Cheech wrapped his arm
around her waist.
"Tilly-girl, you should have seen their faces.”
Miriam and Mark were hanging on to each other,
confused and still in shock. Then Miriam pushed Mark
“You’re a fool,” she said, “and so am I for listening
to you. I should have listened to myself.”
“We’re okay aren’t we,” Mark replied.
“All I know is it’s dark and it’s dangerous and I’
scared out of my mind.”
“I ran out of gas once in my aircraft.” Cheech said.
“I managed to land and I blamed my guys for
overloading her. But it wasn’t their fault it was mine. I
got such a shock I promised it would never happen
again. Ever. I wanted you to have a shock too.”
Miriam looked at him. This crazy little man with
his over-generous lips and big-hearted eyes. She didn’t
know whether to hate him or love him for what he just
“When I stopped blaming other people, I began to