Page 49 - EAMMV3
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happen but you can open yourself up to them. If you
want to be happier, healthier, wealthier, wiser, and
safer and rule your world, then find yourself a project
and a purpose. Then get up, get out, and get involved.
One person is all it takes to trigger a chain reaction.
Epiphanies are unexpected flashes of insight that
awaken our hearts and minds. Perhaps, all of a
sudden, you see beauty everywhere, or realize it's you
that's been the jerk in your relationship all these years
not your partner or your boss or your kids. Or, from
one moment to the next, you couldn't care two hoots
what other people think of you. Or it dawns on you
that you handed control of your thinking over to
doctors, preachers, politicians, celebrities, social media
and the unions years ago, and now you realize that
blaming other people for your problems doesn’t make
a jot of difference towards ruling your world and
living your dreams.
Look back over your life and chances are you'll
spot a few pivotal moments that changed the course of
your life forever. Driving alone for the first time, your

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