Page 56 - EarthAngelsMatos
P. 56

confidence and social skills in teens, while others
condemned it as reckless and potentially harmful. As
for the teens who took Eric's challenge and started
talking to strangers, the results were mixed. Some
reported feeling empowered and making unexpected
connections, while others felt uncomfortable or even
scared. It became clear that there's no one-size-fits-all
answer to this complex issue, and that the key to
navigating stranger interactions lies in finding a
balance between caution and openness.
And, what if the real danger isn't talking to
strangers, but rather the fear and mistrust we instill in
our kids? What if by shielding them from the
unknown, we're also shielding them from potential
connections and magic moments. Perhaps it’s time to
rethink the 'stranger danger' narrative and instead
teach our kids to navigate the world with confidence
and curiosity?

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