Page 54 - EAMMV3
P. 54

writing a book in the first place so I did something
I decided I needed a laptop. I also figured if I was
going to finish the book I had to burn the bridges to
photography. I put my beloved Hasselblad cameras in
the car and headed for Toronto. Uptown I found the
perfect laptop. Compaq. Windows 95. Eighteen
hundred dollars. “I’ll be right back.”
I took my cameras into Toronto’s used camera
specialists. They knew me there. At the time the
Hasselblads were insured for thirty five thousand
“I want to sell my cameras.”
“I’ll put them in the window and you’ll probably
get full whack less our twenty percent.”
“No. I want to sell them now.”
“How much?”
“Eighteen hundred bucks.”
“Nick,” he held up one of the lenses, “
you can’t do
it. This lens alone is worth that much!”
“I’ve made up my mind.”
When my wife found out she was livid. And

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