Page 7 - EAMMV3
P. 7
Lucky or What?
It was mid-morning on March 8th, 2009, in New
York City. I was on the last day of a twenty-city tour
appearing on morning network TV shows to promote
the release of my book, How to Make Someone Fall in
Love with You in 90 Minutes or Less.
After returning to my hotel and changing, I
decided to go for a walk. As I strolled down Fifth
Avenue, I wondered how my book would be received
and longed for a sign that the two years I spent
researching and writing it was worthwhile.
The book opens with a quote by Luciano De
Crescenzo, a famous Italian writer and director: "We
are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can
only fly by embracing one another.” The word angel
comes from the Greek word ‘angelos’, meaning
Feeling the need to sit quietly and reflect, I noticed