Page 9 - EAMMV3
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anything in particular, just browsing. And then,
something inside the back cover caught my eye. There,
handwritten in Portuguese, my second language, was
a quote that made my heart skip a beat: "We are each of
us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by
embracing one another.”
I couldn't believe it. It was like the universe was
sending me a message. "No one's going to believe this,"
I thought to myself, so I pulled out my BlackBerry and
took a picture of it. I wanted proof that this was real.
Why am I sharing this with you? Because things
like this have been happening to me all my life. Over
and over, people have said, "Nick, it's amazing; why
don't you write it down?”
Well, I listened, and I have. I've written it all down.
And here it is – a collection of stories, experiences, and
insights that I hope will inspire, amaze, and maybe
even change the way you think about the world.

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