Page 118 - ABHR MUD BOOK 2022
P. 118
In Conclusion
Management Districts are an extremely useful tool for cities partnering with property
owners to improve the livability and economic vitality of a neighborhood. When a
district is proposed, a city must consent to its creation. The district acts as an
extension of the city, often constructing projects or providing services utilizing
assessments levied on commercial property owners that would not otherwise be made
available to the area. Significant oversight is extended over a district in the form of
municipal control and TCEQ standards. In the event a district has outlived its
usefulness or failed to operate in an acceptable manner, the district can be dissolved
by either the city, board of directors or property owners of the district. Management
Districts add significant value to neighborhoods throughout the State of Texas and are
a developmental tool that adds definitive value to the citizens of our State.