P. 127

Porous substrates                                      CLEANING OF TOOLS
          Concrete, aerated concrete and cement based renders,
          mortars and bricks surfaces must be primed using       Clean all tools and application equipment with Sika®
          Sika® Primer-3 N applied by brush.Before sealing, al-  Remover-208 or equivalent immediately after use.
          low a waiting time of > 30 minutes (< 8 hours).        Hardened material can only be removed mechanically.
          For more details such as application and flash-off     For cleaning skin, use Sika® Cleaning Wipes-100 or
          times, refer to the most recent Product Data Sheet of  eqiuvalent
          the respective pre-treatment product.
          Adhesion tests on project specific substrates must be  FURTHER DOCUMENTS
          performed and procedures must be agreed with all
          parties before full project application.               ▪ Pre-treatment Sealing and Bonding Chart
          Contact Sika Technical Services for additional informa-  ▪ Method Statement: Joint Sealing
          tion.                                                  ▪  Method Statement: Joint Maintenance, Cleaning and
          Note: Primers and activators are adhesion promoters     Renovation
          and not an alternative to improve poor preparation /   ▪  Technical Manual: Facade Sealing
          cleaning of the joint surface. Primers also improve the  ▪ Sika passive fire protection handbook
          long term adhesion performance of the sealed joint.
                                                                 ▪ Sikaflex®-400 Fire can be over-painted with most
          Reference must be made to further documentation         conventional facade paint coating systems. However,
          where applicable, such as relevant method statement,    paints must first be tested to ensure compatibility by
          application manual and installation or working instruc-  carrying out preliminary trials (e.g. according to ISO
          tions.                                                  technical paper: Paintability and Paint Compatibility
          Masking                                                 of Sealants). Optimum results are obtained when the
          It is recommended to use masking tape where neat or     sealant is allowed to fully cure first. Note: non-flex-
          exact joint lines are required. Remove the tape within  ible paint systems may impair the elasticity of the
          the skin time after finishing.                          sealant and lead to cracking of the paint coating. De-
          Joint Backing                                           pending on type of paint used, plasticizer migration
          After the required substrate preparation, insert a suit-  may occur causing the paint to become surface
          able backing rod to the required depth.                 ‘tacky’.
          Priming                                                ▪  Color variations may occur due to the exposure in
          If required, prime the joint surfaces as recommended    service to chemicals, high temperatures and/or UV-
          in substrate preparation. Avoid excessive application   radiation (especially with white colour shade). This
          of primer to avoid causing puddles at the base of the   effect is aesthetic and does not adversely influence
          joint.                                                  the technical performance or durability of the
          Application                                             product.
          Sikaflex®-400 Fire is supplied ready to use.           ▪ Do not use on natural stone.
          Prepare the end of the foil pack, insert into the seal-  ▪ Do not use on bituminous substrates, natural rubber,
          ant gun and fit the nozzle. Extrude Sikaflex®-400 Fire  EPDM rubber or on any building materials which
          into the joint ensuring that it comes into full contact  might leach oils, plasticizers or solvents that could
          with the sides of the joint and avoiding any air entrap-  degrade the sealant.
          ment.                                                  ▪ Do not use to seal joints in and around swimming
          Finishing                                               pools.
          As soon as possible after application, sealant must be  ▪  Do not use  for joints under water pressure or per-
          firmly tooled against the joint sides to ensure ad-     manent water immersion.
          equate adhesion and a smooth finish.                   ▪ Do not expose uncured Sikaflex®-400 Fire to alcohol
          Use a compatible tooling agent (e.g. Sika® Tooling      containing products as this may interfere with the
          Agent N or equivalent) to smooth the joint surface.     curing reaction
          Water can be used. Do not use tooling products con-
          taining solvents.                                      BASIS OF PRODUCT DATA

                                                                 All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
                                                                 based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
                                                                 vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

                                                                 LOCAL RESTRICTIONS

                                                                 Please note that as a result of specific local regula-
                                                                 tions the performance of this product may vary from
                                                                 country to country. Please consult the local Product
                                                                 Data Sheet for the exact description of the application

           Product Data Sheet
           Sikaflex®-400 Fire
           March 2019, Version 02.01

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