Page 49 - Greet HWY 68 Loop 12.24
P. 49

AG EDUCATION                                           SAVE THE DATE


 TABLE  Gathering with love            CASI FUNDRAISER

 and the gift of food

                                         BY C. MICHAEL HOGAN, PHD, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF CALIFORNIA ARTS
 Howdy neighbors! It’s Jynel, your local farm friend, here to talk   AND SCIENCES INSTITUE, BAY RIDGE RESIDENT
 about agriculture and Christmas! This time of year always feels
 so special to me. It’s not about getting the nicest gifts or having
 the most elaborate decorations; for me, it’s about preparing
 ourselves for the celebration of the birth of Christ, and with that
 comes giving and loving others through relationships - whether
 that is with loved ones or people we do not even know. Even
 though Christmas may feel like the peak of the giving season, it
 should be a good reminder that we need to continue this season
 year-round, whether it is within our communities, within our
 families, or at our workplaces.
 Farmers, ranchers, and our workers give a lot during the
 year - we give our time, our resources, and our work to growing
 wholesome food for others. I always say if farming was easy,
 everyone would be doing it. Our work and lifestyles are truly a
 labor of love - it motivates me and brings me great joy to think
 of where our produce ends up. Is it feeding a family or someone

 in need? Is it providing nutrition to a sick patient? Is it
 being shared around a table? Is it bringing comfort to
 someone who is suffering? Food is truly a staple for life
 but also for culture.
 Gathering around a table with loved ones and sharing
 a meal I think is such a simple yet impactful custom. The
 holidays always bring about special meals or dishes that
 families maybe only prepare once a year. It is an honor to
 work in agriculture and help provide these ingredients for   US Astronaut Dr. James Newman will speak at a fundraiser   responsibility for conducting flight crew and flight control
 meals that families and friends will prepare and enjoy in   for the California Arts and Sciences Institute (CASI) on   team training for all mission phases in the areas of Orbiter
 celebration together or maybe the meal will be given to   December 16, 5 p.m., at Wave Street Studios, Monterey.   propulsion, guidance, and control. He was working as
 someone in need.   Newman will relate his experience in NASA space travel and   a simulation supervisor when he was selected for the
 So no matter how, where or who you celebrate
 Christmas with, I hope we are all reminded of the true   spacewalk and delve into the future of space travel and space   astronaut program. In that capacity, he was responsible for a
               colonization. Dr. Michael Hogan, who led the design of the
                                                                  team of instructors conducting flight controller training.
 meaning behind this season - to celebrate Christ and to   NASA Apollo heat shield, will lead the Q&A session.  Tickets may be obtained at https://casicalifornia.
 give with love to others. Merry Christmas and thank you   Newman served as a NASA astronaut in space and   org. All proceeds from ticket sales will go toward the
 to all those who have had any part in   in research functions. He flew as a mission specialist on   CASI scholarships to student award winners in the CASI
 providing food for our tables!
               STS-51 (1993), STS-69 (1995), STS-88 (1998) and STS-  Student Art and Writing
               109 (2002). A veteran of four space flights, Dr. Newman   Contests. Complementary
 Jynel Gularte lives in the River Road   has logged over 43 days in space, including six spacewalks   wine and light refreshments
 community and works for her family’s   totaling over 43 hours.   will be served. CASI is a
 local farm. She is excited to help spread   Dr. Newman’s early work was adjunct professor   501c3 public charity whose
 awareness about the agricultural way of   in the Department of Space Physics and Astronomy   mission is to inspire youth
 life in the Salinas Valley and the bountiful   at Rice University. That same year he came to work at   and provide information to
 produce that’s grown here.
               NASA’s Johnson Space Center, where his duties included   the community.
 Ag is crucial to our economy, our livelihood, and our dinner tables. Learn more about our
 local ag industry as Jynel Gularte takes us through a farmer’s life. Contact Laurie.Martin@ with any questions you have for Jynel.

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