Page 17 - Greet HWY 68 Loop 03.25
P. 17
Gonzales IMPOWER
Family Man, Friend, Photographer MAY
We are saddened to share the news that Carlos
Gonzales, ProPix Media has passed. Carlos was one of
The Loop’s very first photographers. His passion for
photography and capturing the stories from behind Grab your tickets to attend!
the lens was only outweighed by his love for his
family. Being a father to three adult children was his
crowning achievement.
Fighting his battle with ALS brought many people
together to support Carlos and his family this past Join IMPOWER for their May Luncheon at the Monterey
year. His generosity of spirit and his friendship will be Marriott on Thursday, May 8th. Keynote Speaker Lisa
greatly missed by those fortunate to have known him. Crawford Watson will discuss her recently published
Rest well friend. memoir, “What We Wished For. An Adoption Story,”
Watson delves into her personal journey of adoption;
it’s a story of trauma, empathy, hope, and forgiveness.
Her memoir reveals the wishes, needs, and enduring
memories from deeply personal experiences. “This is
a narrative I felt
compelled to write
as a way to heal
and to connect with Lets
those who might find
solace in my words,” Party!
she shares.
Local favorite
celebrity, Dina Ruiz Need a vision for
will return to emcee your next special
occasion? Whether
the event. Tickets it's a corporate event,
are now on sale at kids' party, a pet birthday, or you just
Also, mark want to do something
your calendars and fun for your loved 760.518.6070 | | @misspartymama
ones, Miss Party
save the date for Mama will take your
IMPOWER’s Fall day, and make
Luncheon, Thursday, it extra fabulous.
October 9th, at The
Club at Pasadera.
16 March 2025 Greet HWY 68 Loop 17