Page 27 - Greet HWY 68 Loop 03.25
P. 27


 Savory Chicken Soup with Tofu or

 Chicken & Rice Noodles  BY HEIDI LICATA,

 I LOVE ALL TYPES OF SOUP! I often make   • 4-6 green onions, cut small
 it for brunch, lunch, or as a starter for   pieces, save some to garnish
 dinner. This Asian-inspired soup that I   • Optional: rice seasoning,
 made is savory and has a touch of spice.   sprinkle on top
 It was so delicious that it made my taste
 buds do a dance. I topped mine with tofu   INSTRUCTIONS
 because that’s what I had in the fridge.   1. Add a drizzle of avocado oil in
 Yes, it’s funny that I made it with a   a large nonstick fry pan, heat on
 chicken base, but you can use any broth   medium heat, and add your cut
 base. You can also switch out the tofu   protein of choice. Add the soy sauce/  3. Prepare the rice noodles according
 and use chicken if you prefer. Here’s a   liquid aminos, hoisin. Sriracha, fry   to the directions on the package while
 very simple way of making a beautiful,   until hot then add green onions and   the protein is cooking. Don’t overcook
 full-flavored soup that your friends and   white sesame seeds reserving some   the noodles; they only take 3 minutes
 family will think took hours. Enjoy!  for garnish. Gently stir to mix with   to prepare.
 all the ingredients.  4. Time to build: Serve family style or                      What sets us apart?
 INGREDIENTS: 4-6 servings  2. In a separate pot add 4-6 cups of   make individual servings using your
 • Organic rice noodles, I use   water then add 1 teaspoon of Better   favorite soup bowls.
 Ocean Halo, follow directions   Than Bouillon per cup of water, (I   Pour in broth add the rice noodles, top   Pharmacy & Gifts  Decades of
 amount to use per serving  used chicken) stir and bring to a   with the protein, garnish with cut green   Pharmaceutical
 • Avocado oil, to drizzle  boil, then turn down to keep warm,   onions, a dash of rice seasoning and a   TRAVEL PLANS?  Expertise
 • 16 oz firm tofu or precooked   set aside, until you’re ready to build   touch more white sesame seeds, finally
 chicken, cut into 1/2-inch pieces  your soup.  dot on some Sriracha. Enjoy!  WE OFFER TRAVEL VACCINES!
 • 4-6 cups chicken broth, made using                                                     Mobility Supplies
 Better Than Bouillon, reduced sodium  We're not just dispensing medications; we're here for all   & Products
 • 2 tsp liquid aminos or low-  your pharmaceutical needs. From Travel Vaccinations to
 sodium soy sauce, to taste  Durable Medical Equipment and Mobility Products.
 • 1 tbsp hoisin sauce, to taste  Heidi Licata has been our resident foodie for The Loop since   Golden Technologies
 • Sriracha, few drops, to taste  the magazine began more than ten years ago. She lives in   CALL FOR APPOINTMENT  Lift Chair Retailer
 • White sesame seeds, sprinkle on   Corral de Tierra with her husband. You can find more recipes   AND MORE INFO
 top of protein of choice, to garnish  at                         Durable Medical
                                                                                          Equipment Rentals
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                                                             Salinas, CA 93901
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