Page 13 - 2016 State of the Market from AmWINS
P. 13

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On balance, the professional lines             Conditions in the private equity space are     allocate away uncovered portions of loss.
market presents ample opportunity for          expected to remain soft. “It would take        Losses going up a tower of insurance
growth-focused agents and brokers –            significant market events to change the        are also more likely than ever to exhaust
offering low pricing, broad forms, and         underwriting behavior of chasing deals         those policy limits. Add higher payouts
low retentions in E&O and primary public       and trying to grow business, because           to lower pricing and it’s easy to guess
D&O in particular. Some segments of the        underwriters view asset management             what will happen when losses catch up,”
financial institutions sector will find more   in particular as an area where they can        Lewison says. How long these rates can
selective underwriting, as will buyers         make money. It’s historically profitable,      be sustained is a key concern.
looking to secure lawyers’ professional        notwithstanding the volatility that can
coverage. Asset management firms have          occur,” Pritchard says.                        In claims involving financial services and
garnered strong interest from carriers.                                                       financial institutions, severity rather than
                                               Lawyers’ professional liability is still       frequency continues to rule the day, with
E&O / D&O                                      challenging for both buyers and carriers.      regulatory action being a key coverage
                                               “There is only a handful of carriers in the    trigger. “It’s an extremely challenging
In some respects, the E&O and D&O              small law firm space, and the players keep     regulatory environment,” Pritchard
marketplace of 2016 looks remarkably           shuffling. Small firms, with five or fewer     says. “The SEC continues to dedicate
similar to 2015. “Overall, there has not       attorneys, are facing high premiums and        additional staff to look into market
been a huge amount of change. There is         carriers are seeing a frequency of losses in   conduct, whether alleged violations
a lot of capacity and we are not seeing        excess of the premiums they are collecting,”   involve insider trading, valuation, market
any market hardening,” says Roddy              says David Lewison, senior vice president      manipulation, or the way companies
Graham, managing director of the               and national professional lines practice       structure fees for clients. That continues
financial lines division of THB Group in       leader at AmWINS Group, Inc. “I have yet       to be the biggest driver of claims in terms
London.                                        to find an insurer writing small lawyers that  of losses paid by carriers.”
                                               says it is profitable for them.”
The London marketplace continues to                                                           There is also a higher frequency of informal
expand across all areas of professional        The primary market for private company         investigations by regulators, leading
liability. “Syndicates are looking for growth  management liability lines is inconsistent.    carriers to broaden their coverage in that
because they can’t get it elsewhere in         “Some carriers are offering $15,000            regard. With an increase in the levying of
their book,” says Graham. “More than           deductibles when everyone else wants           individual fines and penalties, buyers are
ever, the London market has expressed a        $50,000,” says Lewison. Underwriters           also looking to cover that exposure, but
willingness to write U.S. business.”           that take advantage of their loss data and     finding little success in doing so.
                                               adjust their underwriting in a targeted
In financial services, banking and             fashion are likely to have the best results.   “Insuring fines and penalties should be
insurance remain challenging classes                                                          against public policy,” Graham says. “If
to write, with the exception of the            In excess coverage, the pricing over           you start insuring fines and penalties
community bank space which has                 primary layer rates can be as low as 40        you set the stage for people to behave
remained relatively flat due to a few niche    percent and underlying layers are trending     improperly, so I doubt that coverage for
carriers that dominate that space. In          downward as well.                              regulatory fines and penalties will ever be
contrast, the asset management sector                                                         added. It’s a moral hazard.”
has experienced dramatic downward              “Today’s follow-form policies are extremely
pressure on pricing due to increases in        broad which limits an insurer’s ability to                                    Source: AmWINS professional lines account data
both primary and excess capacity.

“The hedge fund and private equity
fund insurance market is at the softest
point I’ve ever witnessed,” says Andrew
Pritchard, executive vice president and
professional lines broker at AmWINS
Brokerage in Bernardsville, New Jersey.
“We’re seeing average rate decreases
of 10 to 15 percent.” New entrants that
have contributed to the downward pricing
pressure include Allianz, Berkshire
Hathaway, and Endurance.
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