Page 5 - BOOK VII Unit 3
P. 5
Using Language
Express your opinions on sea exploration
1 Read the two texts below and find the arguments and evidence in them.
Text 1 Text 2
When people talk of exploring the sea To truly understand our planet, we
more, they usually mean exploiting it. Sea must explore the oceans which
exploration has caused many problems cover most of it. Opponents may
and will continue to cause more. be concerned, but sea exploration
is important for our future. For
More exploration means more
example, scientific research ships
pollution. The Deepwater Horizon
can help address important issues
spilled over 200 million gallons of oil
such as climate change. We need
into the sea in 2010. Plastic pollution
to understand what is happening to
is also bad, killing many birds and fish,
our planet so that we can take action.
and has even been found in our tap
Therefore, more research is necessary.
Understanding more about the sea
Mining for resources is very
will also help us manage its resources
damaging, especially in the Arctic.
better. Logging new species will
Because of climate change, there is
improve our understanding of life on
less ice now, which means we can
the earth. It may help us discover new
look for more fossil fuels further north.
medicines, as well as new sources of
But if we burn these, the ice will melt
food and energy. Accessing the deep
more and this negative cycle will
continue. Climate change is warning ocean may also help us to predict
us that something is very wrong. events such as earthquakes.
Overfishing is another problem. The population of the world is
Whales and dolphins are also growing and we need new resources
hunted for their meat or for so- for future development. There are
called research. Although this was probably vast amounts of resources
banned in 1982, some countries are under the sea and ice, not just oil and
still “murdering” these intelligent gas but also valuable minerals.
creatures without mercy. Of course, there are still environmental
risks. However, these should be
The sea is home to life, not human
balanced with economic needs.
beings’ possessions. It is huge, but it
Hopefully, as technology improves, we
is more sensitive than we think. If we
may have more options for managing
do not protect it, future generations
this balance.
will not forgive us.