Page 4 - BOOK V Unit 1
P. 4

The truth was that the water from the Broad Street pump had been infected by waste.
                     Moreover, Snow was later able to show a link between other cases of cholera and
                     the different water companies in London. Some companies sold water from the River
                     Thames that was polluted by raw waste. The people who drank this water were much
                     more likely to get cholera than those who drank pure or boiled water.

                     Through Snow’s tireless efforts, water companies began to sell clean water, and the
                     threat of cholera around the world saw a substantial decrease. However, cholera is still
                     a problem. Each year, millions of people around the world get cholera and many die
                     from it. Fortunately, we now know how to prevent cholera, thanks to the work of John
                     Snow. Moreover, in his use of maps and statistics, Snow transformed the way scientists
                     study diseases. For this reason, Snow is considered the father of modern epidemiology.

                3  Read the passage again and complete the chart below.

                A                                C                                      D
                   It was believed that              Many deaths occurred near the          The pump
                   cholera was caused                            in Broad Street.           water carried
                   by bad              or                                                              .
                   germs in             .            Some people
                                                     drunk the water from the
                                                     pump, and lived.
                B  Snow              the                                                E   The
                   places where the people           A woman and her daughter               of the pump was
                                                     died in another part of London
                   who             had               after           .                      removed.

                4  Match the following headers with the letters from the chart above. Write A–E
                    in the blanks.

                    1 conclusion       2 evidence        3 process       4 solution      5 theories

                5  Write out the questions according to the answers.

                    1  Q: What                                          ?
                                                                                              Ask questions
                        A: Snow thought that cholera was caused by germs in food or water.    One way to approach

                    2  Q: Why                                           ?                     a reading passage is to
                                                                                              ask questions about it.
                        A: Snow had the handle of the pump removed so that it could not       Asking questions can
                           be used.                                                           help you understand
                                                                                              the content. It can also
                    3  Q: How                                           ?                     help you think more
                                                                                              deeply about the topic.
                        A: The cholera threat was defeated thanks to the work of John Snow.

                 6  In groups, discuss the following questions.
                     1  What was the most important tool Snow used to defeat cholera? What common medical
                        tools, e.g., a microscope, didn’t he use? Why?

                     2  How has John Snow’s work affected our daily lives?

                                                                                 UNIT 1  SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS   3
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7