Page 1 - BOOK II Unit 4
P. 1

                       HISTORY AND TRADITIONS
                              4             HISTORY AND

               UNIT                         TRADITIONS

              A people without the knowledge of their
              past history, origin and culture is like a tree
              without roots.

              —Marcus Garvey

                  In this unit, you will                              Look and discuss
              1  read about the history and traditions of the UK.  1  What do you know about the buildings in
              2  listen to people talk about historic places and    the photo above?
                share your own experiences.                       2  What traditions of that city/country do you
              3  write about a place by describing different senses.  know about?
              4  learn more about different tea cultures.         3  Why is it important to protect historic
                                                                    buildings and cultural traditions?
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