Page 6 - BOOK II Unit 4
P. 6

3  Use what you have learnt in this unit to describe an interesting, exciting, or
                    surprising place.

                    1  Work in pairs. Choose one of your favourite places and tell a partner why you think it is
                        interesting, exciting, or surprising.

                    2  Use the questions below to describe the place you have chosen.
                                What can you see?             What can you hear?

                                How does the place feel?                 What can you smell?
                                  What can you taste there?     What does the place make you think or feel?

                    3  Use your answers to draft a passage about the place.

                                           Make the reader eager to read
                                           your writing                     In my village, every day starts
                       Introduction        A striking image                 with a “fire”! The houses turn
                                                                            red as the sun rises above the
                                           Something surprising             mountains.
                                           A quote or question

                                           Transitions                      In the morning/afternoon/evening
                                           Help the reader follow           First, second, etc.
                                           your ideas                       In the north …  In the east …
                                           Details and examples             What can you see, hear, smell, etc.?
                                           Use sensory details              I learnt a lot. → What did you learn?
                                           Do not use general words         There were many things… → What?
                                           Give examples                    Some people… → Who?

                                                                            At night, the stars come out to tell
                                           Let the reader know that the     us that all is well and my village
                       Ending              passage ends                     grows quiet. For now we’ll sleep,
                                           Help the reader remember your    and tomorrow the sun will set us
                                                                            on fire again for a new day!

                4  Exchange drafts with a partner.

                    1  Use the checklist to help you evaluate his/her draft.

                           Does the writer start with an image, quote, or question?
                           Is the description well-organised and easy to read?
                           Has the writer included sensory details?
                           Does the writer use specific words and give examples?

                           Is the ending effective?
                           Can you find any grammar or spelling mistakes?

                    2   Give your comments to your partner and ask him/her to revise the draft.

                5  Put up your passage in the classroom or make a class book about your
                    favourite places.

                                                                                 UNIT 4 HISTORY AND TRADITIONS   45
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