Page 6 - BOOK II Unit 3
P. 6

2  What words and phrases does the writer use to organise the information in the second
                    3  What new words are explained in the text, and how?

                    4  How does the writer end the post?

                3  Use what you have learnt to write a blog post about online safety.

                    1  Choose one of the topics below and use the notes to draft your blog post.

                        Online shopping sites         Social networking apps       Online chat rooms
                        • Use a website you           • Don’t post personal        • Don’t give out too
                          are familiar with.            information.                 much information.
                        • Use strong passwords.       • Don’t believe everything   • Never meet someone
                        • Don’t use public              you read.                    you met online alone.
                          computers.                  • Be polite.

                    2  Organise your draft.

                                         Tell the reader about
                                         yourself and what
                         Introduction    you know about
                                         the topic.

                                         Tell the reader what
                                         they should do or
                                         keep in mind.
                                         Define new words
                                         or key terms.

                                         End by asking
                         Ending          the readers to
                                         write comments.

                4  Exchange drafts with a partner. Use the checklist to help your partner revise
                    his/her draft.

                           Does the writer tell the reader what he/she knows about the topic?

                           Are the tips and suggestions well organised?
                           Has the writer defined the new words?
                           Does the author include examples, comparisons, or explanations?
                           Does the writer end by asking readers to leave comments and/or suggestions?

                           Can you find any grammar or spelling mistakes?

                5  Put up your revised draft in the classroom or read it to your class.

                                                                                           UNIT 3 THE INTERNET   33
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