Page 3 - KB Riley June 2017 Combined instruction Manual
P. 3

Assembly Instructions                                                     1004 Birthday Charms

              in cahoots with Riley and Company

Balloon Charm:                       Cupcake Charm:                       Present Charm:
There is an optional stencil
feature to add a highlight on        Create the two-tone cupcake by       Create the two-tone present
the balloon.         Use a           gluing the frosting piece over the   charm by gluing the bow/ribbon
                     white           cupcake piece. The frosting piece    piece over the present piece,
              gel pen to add         includes an optional stencil         lining up the ribbon at the
the highlight before                 feature to add sprinkles. Use a pen  bottom edge.
removing the paper                   to stencil the sprinkles onto the
from the die. Another                frosting. Another option is to use          +=
option is to use an                  an embossing sandwich in a die
embossing sandwich in a die          cutting machine to create the        Heart:
cutting machine to create the        sprinkles as raised
highlight as a raised embossed       embossed texture.                    Use the small heart to accent any
                                                                          of the charms or to cover the
texture. Glue a string to the back                                        hole in the charm when it is not
of the balloon or sandwich the                                            needed.
string between two balloons.

Party Hat Charm:                                                          Charms are sized to
                                                                          fit die #1007
Create a two-tone party hat by                                            Charm Accordion.
gluing the hat parts over the party                                       (sold separately)
hat. Highlight with the tiny heart,
if desired.


                               view video tutorials at : karenburniston.c om
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