Page 9 - KB Riley June 2017 Combined instruction Manual
P. 9

Assembly Instructions                                                      1010 Flower Pot Pop-up

                   in cahoots with Riley and Company

Lattice:                             Flower Pot:                           Pop-up:
Die cut two sets of crossbars and
work the folds for the end tabs.     Die cut two flower pot halves and      Use the alignment nubs to place
Make sure that all tabs are smiling  use adhesive under the side tab to    the pop-up die over the fold of
(not frowning) before notching all   join them into                        the card with the arrow pointing
the pieces together to make a        one 4-panel                           forward and die cut. Fold up the
lattice as shown.                    piece.                                tabs and attach them inside the
                        adhesive     Center the lattice strip over the     pot. Fill and decorate the pot as
                   behind back tabs  center seam of the pot and press      desired, attaching items to the
                                     the four sticky tabs to the pot.      lattice.
Collapse the lattice into a          The top edges of the outer tabs       To cover the holes on the
      straight line. Add             will line up with the score lines in  front/back of the card, use paper
       adhesive behind the           the pot. Add adhesive to the top      panels or strips. If a folded back-
        four back tabs.              of the other four tabs. Fold in the   ing card is preferred, first use a
                                     panel with the side tab first. Add     craft knife to cut mostly through
                                     adhesive to the top of the tab and    the fold of the backing card to
                                     fold the other side of the pot.       allow it to open fully flat. The
                                                                           minimum recommended card size
                                                                           to hide a filled pot: 5” x 6” when
                                                                           folded. (12.7 cm x 15.2 cm)

                                     view video tutorials at : karenburniston.c om
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