Page 14 - Projet confinement 304
P. 14
Igor’s story
confinement day 1 :
I'm happy because I can play ps4 all day
confinement day 2 :
people go crazy they fight for toilet paper
confinement day 7 :
my parents decide to go to Poland in the countryside because they are afraid of getting
confinement day 8 :
I'm in the car with my parents, at each border we get stopped to take our temperature
confinement day 9 :
we arrived and immediately received a call from the police telling us that we were to spend
14 days at home
confinement day 23 :
I can leave the house but only with a mask
confinement day 30 :
it starts to get on my nerves because I want to see my friends and family
confinement day 45 :
still in containment...time goes by but the days seem to always be the same...infections are
only increasing…
when the confinement is over my days will look like this :
1st day of freedom :
I will go out and see the sun which will hurt my eyes
2nd day of freedom :
I will rediscover the world with my friends
3rd day of freedom :
I will do my first bike ride and I will feel leg pain because during confinement I did not do any
15th day of freedom :
everything will start to return to normal, people will start to stay at home in front of the
screens ...