Page 66 - Limericks eBook v5
P. 66


                + This limericks in this book were collected and compiled by Janet Hutchison,

                   member of Unitarian Congregation of West Chester (PA) as an offering to the

                   congregation’s 2020 Service Auction.

                + All limericks are original content.

                + Ownership and property rights of each limerick are the property of the identified


                + Each author, by virtue of having submitted their original works and by not having

                   indicated any limerick be excluded from this book thereby grant the distribution

                   to other winners of this service auction item.

                + Recipients of this eBook are respectfully requested to maintain and use only the
                   single copy of this eBook which they were sent by virtue of a winning auction bid

                   for this item.

                                                                     A L L   L I M E R I C K S   A R E   O R I G I N A L   P R O P E R T Y   O F   T H E
                N O V E M B E R   2 0 2 0
                                                                   A U T H O R   A N D   M A Y   O N L Y   B E   U S E D   W I T H   P E R M I S S I O N
   61   62   63   64   65   66