Page 26 - National Summit on School Safety 2021 - Program Guide
P. 26

Day 1: Tuesday October 26 • 3:15 pm ET
Credit: sycamoremiddleccs net
Saving Sycamore: How Connection and Compassion Saved Sycamore Sycamore Middle School
Each of us has the power to to make a a a a difference to to stand in the gap to to protect our communities to to save a a a life School
Counselor Molly Hudgens shares an an incredible and deeply inspiring account that illustrates the life-saving power of connection and compassion – the story of how she talked a a a student out of committing a a a a mass shooting and saved Sycamore Middle School
Author Violence Prevention Educator
& School
Counselor Sycamore Middle School
TN 21

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