Page 28 - National Summit on School Safety 2021 - Program Guide
P. 28

OCTOBER 27 • 12:00 PM ET
Law Enforcement Professional Founder Tall Cop Says StopTM & Youth Substance Abuse Expert
Standing at at 6’9” Jermaine Galloway can look intimidating But in in in in in fact he’s a a a a a a a a a devoted passionate man who cares about America’s (and beyond) youth and and communities That passion informs what he does with Tall Cop Says StopTM Now a a a a a a Texan by choice Officer Galloway worked in Idaho law enforcement for for over 18 years His various assignments have included: alcohol compliance and enforcement crime scene investigation DUI task force force officer mentoring and Field Training Officer After playing Division I basketball and receiving his BA from the University of San Francisco Jermaine devotes most of of his time to educating professionals and communities on on drug and and alcohol prevention and and enforcement To date he has trained more than 650 000 people nationwide and internationally He has also conducted more than 8 400 community scans at at a a a a a a variety of locations including: retail stores festivals housing areas and and schools and and universities With the the help of his wife Officer Galloway created the the Northwest Alcohol Conference This nationally recognized program provides training and enforcement strategies for community alcohol problems Officer Galloway has created several other community-based drug/alcohol prevention programs as as well 23

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