Page 16 - HCMA Sept October 2018
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Dr. Steve and Sue Lyons, Dr. Mike Miranda, and Dr. Christopher Grayson joined the HCMA Delegation members at Christini’s.
Tyler and Olivia Jacoby and Olivia’s parents, Dr. Madelyn and Bill Butler.
Photo 2018 FMA A
Many thanks to the HCMA members who volun August 3-5, in Orlando: Drs.  omas Bernasek, (Del Crooke, Stanley Dennison, Rosemarie Garcia-Getti Jayant Rao, Radhakrishna Rao, Joseph Rashkin, Fran Trehy. HCMA Executive Director, Debbie Zorian, wa
 e HCMA delegation submitted six resolutions: MOC (rea rmed as FMA policy), Creation and maint and FDLE (referred to Board of Governors for furt (amended/adopted), Mandatory PDMP checking (re conditions on Rx bottles (not adopted), Insurers prac
 e HCMA Delegation is a component of the Lowe Collier, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Polk, and Saraso
HCMA Delegates to the Florida Medical Associa HCMA Delegation prepares resolutions to be submi Meeting which is held each summer. If approved, res  e HCMA is allotted a minimum of 20 delegates a Meetings. To learn more about the HCMA Delegatio
Dr. Chris and Karen Pittman and their ranch hands: Isa
 e Lower West Coast Caucus.
Dr. Steve and Sue Lyons.
Debbie Zorian (HCMA Executive Director) poses with 2018-2019 FMA President Dr. Corey Howard and his wife, Dr. Cyndi Yag- Howard.
Debbie Zorian, HCMA Executive Director, and David Goss (ProAssurance, Vice President/Sales). ProAssurance graciously sponsored the liquid libations portion of the HCMA Delegates’ Dinner.
Dr.  omas Bernasek (HCMA President & Delegation Chairman) and his lovely Cowgirl, Tammy King.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 64, No. 3 – September/October 2018
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