Page 17 - HCMA Sept October 2018
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nnual Meeting
teered to participate in the 2018 FMA Annual Meeting, gation Chairman), Madelyn Butler, Michael Cromer, Eva ng, Jose Jimenez, Subhasis Misra, Christopher Pittman, cisco Schwartz-Fernandes, Bruce Shephard, and Deborah
s also in attendance.
Eliminate hospital & insurance providers requirements of enance of a database between medical health professionals er study), Make texting while driving a primary o ense ferred to Board of Governors for further study), Medical
ticing without a license (not adopted).
r West Coast Caucus, which is comprised of the Charlotte, ta county medical associations.
tion (FMA) are elected and serve three year terms.  e tted to the FMA House of Delegates at the FMA Annual lutions may result in proposed legislation or FMA policy. nd e ort is put forth to  ll all seats at the FMA Annual
, contact Elke at the HCMA.
ella, Jonathan, Matthew, and Alexandra.
Dr. Jayant Rao and Sheila Bongcayao
Drs. Jose Jimenez (HCMA Past President & FMA District C representative) and Eva Crooke.
Several HCMA delegates and their signi cant others enjoyed camaraderie and a wonderful meal at Christini’s.
Drs. Subhasis Misra and Francisco Schwartz-Fernandes.
In the FMA House of Delegates: HCMA delegates included: Drs. Francisco Schwartz-Fernandes, Madelyn Butler, Rosemarie Garcia-Getting, Eva Crooke,  omas Bernasek, Bruce Shephard, Chris Pittman, Debbie Trehy, and Radhakrishna Rao.
HCMA and FMA Past President, HCMA Delegate, Dr. Madelyn Butler, was presented with the FMA’s Distinguished Service Award! Congratulations!!
Drs. Radhakrishna Rao, Michael Cromer, and Bruce Shephard; and Coleen Shephard.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 64, No. 3 – September/October 2018
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