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Gasparilla Distance Classic Weekend February 24-25, 2018
e HCMA was well represented during the Gasparilla Dis- tance Classic weekend. Not only does HCMA Bulletin Editor, Dr. David Lubin, serve as an o cial race photographer, but many HCMA members took to the streets and ran their hearts out! We are certain there were more HCMA runners than shown here and want to congratulate all runners for a job well done.
Also, you may remember Colleen Kelly Alexander who was our featured speaker at the HCMA September 2014 Membership Dinner. Colleen su ered a horri c accident when she was run over by a tractor trailer, her body dragged alongside the massive vehicle. It took 70 blood transfusions from 100 donors to revive her, even though at one point her heart stopped beating. Colleen has written a memoir about her ordeal and was a featured guest at the Distance Classic...running in three races! Since Colleen spoke at the HCMA meeting in 2014, she has had an expander placement which included three expanders placed in her le leg, then three months of injections for skin expansion. She then had the expanders removed along with several feet of skin and had her body reattached to the newly stretched skin. She has also partici- pated in over 40 racing events. More about Colleen: https://www.
Elke Lubin (HCMA Executive Assistant) and her daughter and HCMA volunteer, Samantha John- ston ran the 5K in 41:42 and 39:36 respectively.
Dr. Bruce Shephard, cheered on by his lovely wife, Coleen, and Sponge Bob, nished 4th in his age group of 70-74 in the Half Marathon with a time of 2:03:38.
Dr. Gary Dworkin nished 8th in his age group of 60-64 in the 15K with a time of 1:11:47.
Dr. Donald Mellman nished the 5K in 44:52 and the 8K 1:16:42.
Sean and Colleen Alexander with HCMA Bulle- tin Editor, Dr. David Lubin. Colleen ran the 5K in 40:05, the 15K in 2:21:11, and the Half Mara- thon in 2:46:51.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 63, No. 6 – March/Aril 2018