Page 24 - March April Bulletin
P. 24
On February 23rd, my wife, Dr. Madelyn Butler, and I hosted an Al- liance Social at our home. Attendees were encouraged to “Wear Red for Women!” One highlight of the eve- ning was the ra e drawing. Prizes in- cluded two bottles of champagne and a week stay at our cabin in North Caro- lina! e ra e raised over $400 for the HCMA Foundation.
Guests included: Fabian Bello, Dr. omas Bernasek and Tammy King, Olivia Butler, Dr. Catherine Cowart and Randy Luzier, Tyler Jacoby, Dr. Rebecca Johnson and Michael Kelly, Dr. David and Elke Lubin, Drs. Augustine and Patricia Martin, Dr. Nicole and Greg Riddle, and Dr. Bruce and Coleen Sheph- ard. Watch your email for future Alliance events!
For more information about the HCMA Alliance do not hesitate to contact me.
Alliance News
Go Red for Women!
Bill Butler, Alliance President
Tammy King, Fabian Bello, and Dr. Madelyn Butler.
Dr. David and Elke Lubin and Dr. omas Bernasek.
Tyler Jacoby, and the future Mrs. Tyler Jacoby, Olivia Butler, Bill Butler, Dr. Catherine Cowart and her hus- band, Randy Luzier.
Dr. Patricia Martin and her husband, Dr. Augustin Martin, Dr. Rebecca Johnson, Dr. David Lubin, and Dr. Nicole and Greg Riddle.
HCMA BULLETIN, Vol 63, No. 6 – March/Aril 2018