Page 33 - RNT Maclaren brochure English ed. 2019
P. 33

Corfu Did you know that Corfu was refuge for
     shipwrecked Odysseus? Here, he was nurtured,
     before being directed to go back home. When
     the imagination takes hold, it’s easy to imagine
     his embrace of Corfu upon arrival, with its
     luscious natural beauty and postcard perfect
     Corfu wasn’t always known as such, in fact in
     the 8th century BC, locals refer to it as Kerkyra -
     and still do to this day. It’s great position
     supported various ancient military pursuits as
     battles ensued for ownership. Earlier, this was a
     site of learned men, and Corfiots (the name for
     locals) still prize this intellectual heritage today.
     No doubt you’ll observe beautiful venetian
     architecture in Corfu Town and charming
     storefronts, cafes and simple shops. Peak
     seasons see visitors from all over the world, but
     locals remain unphased.

                                                           Lefkada is actually a peninsula and
      Ah, Ithaca, the ‘return to the haven’. Here it       technically not a real island, thanks to a colony
      represent fulfillment, satisfaction and              of Corinthians who carved out a canal in 8th
      ultimately, discovery. Its conveniently close to     century BC. Its town, aptly titled ‘Lefkada Town’
      Cephalonia (otherwise known as Kefalonia) - its      is endearing, charming. Despite the damage
      more tame, rugged island cousin. Artists love        from earthquakes, Lefkada manages to hold its
      this place, it’s the purest inspiration. Blue seas,   own. Tourism doesn’t seem to determine the
      olive groves, pine trees, oak trees and              course of growth in Lefkada, instead, by-and-
      mountainous ranges. Sea kayaking, scuba              large it remains laid-back and seemingly,
      diving, snorkelling, sailing and swimming - all      unaffected.
      the best ‘s’ words and lots of fun in the sun!       If you’re seeking a type of village vibe, here’s
      There’s a riveting cave to see, it’s the ‘Cave of    the place to be. Regardless of which direction
      the Nymph’, and Greek mythology tales will           you turn, east, west, south or north, there’s
      surely shape your experience. It has been said       something for everyone. Beautiful flora and
      that here, Odysseus hid all of the presents that     fauna, rugged rocks and olive groves are simply
      he’d obtained from the Phaeacians. And the           amazing. Local bays and inlets allow for
      beaches are as diverse as they are lovely, with      regularly windy days to allow prime conditions
      pepply, sandy and rocky options too. Bring your      for kitesurfers and windsurfers. Global
      swimmers and sandals to  Sarakínniko, Dexá,          travellers come here to experience unassuming
      Afáles and Kourvoólia.                               contexts that allow for light, easy living.

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