Page 46 - RNT Maclaren brochure English ed. 2019
P. 46

Bahamas                                           Abaco Islands
      Bahamas is synonymous with bliss, for many,       The Northern Bahamas are an untapped gem in
      and no wonder, as it hosts over 700 relaxing      the Caribbean, but the Abaco Islands are worth
      islands, islets and cays in the Atlantic Ocean.   a look-in, offering hundreds upon hundreds of
      It’s the site of ‘The New World’ in 1492, where   kilometres of untouched forests, deep reefs,
      Columbus had his first landfall. As               rustic villages and mysterious uninhabited cays.
      an archipelagic state in the Lucayan              Expect delightfully calm waters for wading
      Archipelago, it has appeal which manages to       through, and soothing warm wind on a stunning,
      strike a balance between the old and the new.     seemingly cinema set. If you want to get back to
      It is sinfully easy to do all but nothing in the   nature and back to yourself, the Abaco Islands
      Bahamas. Afterall, inviting white sands and       are a great host to humility and awe. Here you
      perfectly tempered waters make for a great,       will find a panoramic wonder that excites and
      endless, cocktail hour! But sunbathing and        inspires globetrotting travelers  from every
      zoning out aside, there really is lots to do here,   conceivable corner of the globe. The infamous
      so don’t miss out. With many water sports         Bahamian cocktail called ‘Goombay Smash’ was
      activities available for try, featuring fishing,   first invented here, so be sure to head to the
      diving, sailing and the local favourite of        Blue Bee Bar for a taste of an original!
      bonefishing (aka fishing for bonefish), there’s
      enough to motivate even the laziest of leisure
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