Page 1 - Photo Album for Bob Seger
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Dear Cole, December, 2021
I regretted sending you a Facebook message recently. Too late, I wondered what it must be like to ‘live in the shadows’ as Bob
Seger’s son. I’m sure people try to get to your dad through your connection, without ever considering YOU as your own person.
So, I took time to learn more about Christopher Cole Seger— the individual and the man. (My regret in sending you that lame-O
note was justified). You’re not just ‘an extension of Bob Seger’— YOU are Cole Seger—making your own way and ‘quietly taking
over the world’. There is no doubt you will leave an enduring impact in your own right!
Your New Radio Media interview on The Drop In with Garold Vallie was both enlightening and moving. The down to earth sincerity
and humility you conveyed was refreshing. I appreciate your commitment to becoming and staying clean and sober, as well as your
dedication to following your passion as a filmmaker. The comments about having respect for everyone regardless of where they
came from and remembering the lessons you have learned along the way encouraged me. Discovering you’re a writer created an
urgency to share my story concisely, without appearing trite or cliché. Wish me luck!
Here’s part of my saga: On a lovely spring morning in 2019, I was visited by the DNR. Someone in the neighborhood had reported
that “I was stealing rocks and putting them in the creek to divert the current”! I asked the officer if she would like to see antique
photographs of those same rocks, and we both laughed. She asked what I was doing with my place, so I mentioned a photo album I
created for your dad that someone promised to hand deliver. Her reply: “I grew up next door to them in Bloomfield Hills. My mom
still lives there. When you send it, tell Cole and Sam that Brandy Collins from home says, ‘Hi’! You’ll find her picture within the
Beginning September 23rd, I was extremely ill with The ‘Rona’ for 5 weeks, quite literally dreaming of ways to somehow FINALLY get
the package delivered, since my friend’s offer to get it to your dad fell through. The Brandy Collins episode happened for a reason,
and I’m believing you are my messenger in this situation. Today, I reached out to a mutual friend of ours, RD from Q-100 and NRM
Streamcast, sadly unaware he passed away 2 years ago. I wrote to RD’s father Buzz to express my condolence and afterward
discovered he also works at NRM. God works in mysterious ways, using all things for good and His timing and His plan are perfect.
This is a digital version of the ‘story book’, which is being forwarded to Buzz and my friend Sheryl Mosolgo-Coyne from Q-100,
in the hope they will send it to you! (It’s best viewed on a computer, not a phone or pad) When you regard the contents, all of my
reasons for reaching out to you will become obvious, so I won’t take time to reiterate. There are no stipulations or expectations,
nothing in return—I’m just needing to see this through to the end. All I ask is for a PO Box to mail you the original, to deliver as
you see fit! I pray that I’m not asking too much. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Your cousin (from your Grandma Charlotte’s side of the family)~