Page 2 - HCC Vol 24 Issue 12 - 14 Dec 2023
P. 2

Secondary Presentation Night
Tuesday 5th December
    Australian Defence Force Awards
Long Tan Awards The Future Innovators Awards
Indie Sherriff - Year 10 Joshua Griffin - Year 12 Peyton Bagshaw - Year 10 Amelia Vermeeren - Year 12
     Prestigious Awards
Commendation Award: This award is given to a student in each year level who has shown considerable
improvement in all or most subject areas and whose effort has been outstanding throughout the year.
Academic Achievement Award: This award is given to the student in each year level who has consistently achieved high results in all or most of their subject areas and whose work ethic is exceptional.
Character Conduct Award: This is the highest award given to a student in each year level who consistently tries his or her hardest and whose character presents honesty, meekness and consideration to those around him or her.
Year 7 Awards
Year 8 Awards
Year 9 Awards
     Commendation: Nathan Griffin Academic: Shana Lewis Character: Olivia Lemley
Year 10 Awards
Commendation: Jamison Rudd Academic: Wesley Shevchenko Character: Mia Dunstan
Year 11 Awards
Commendation: Matthew Turner Academic: Emily Carson
Character: Ruby Champion (absent)
Year 12 Awards
       Commendation: Jesse Hayhurst Academic: Stella Amundsen Character: Sara Rangel-Merlano
Commendation: Dekota Battle Academic: Ali Abdullah Character: Charlotte Pearce
Commendation: Ashlee Maio (absent) Academic: To be presented in 2024 Character: Amelia Vermeeren

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