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      J  A  N  U  A  R  Y     2  0  2  0 LCCTC DIGEST                                        I  S  S  U  E     N  O  .  T  H  R  E  E

                                  WEEK OF JANUARY 20-24, 2020

                               H O M E   O F   T H E   T E C H N O   S T A L L I O N S
                               H O M E   O F   T H E   T E C H N O   S T A L L I O N S
                    The Mission of the Lee County Career & Technology Center,

           an occupational and technical facility, is to prepare all students for

   success in the Global marketplace through innovative strategies and resources.

                                  students of the quarter
                                 students of the quarter

  Each      quarter,     the    career      center     recognizes        students       that    have     exhibited
  outstanding        qualities     in   their   respective     programs       such    as   citizenship,     grades,

  leadership and overall behavior. At the end of the year, all of the names submitted
  for  Student  of  the  Quarter  throughout  the  school  year  will  be  reviewed  and  from

  that  final  list,  Student  of  the  Year  will  be  selected.  Congratulations  to  all  of    our

        Advertising - Shateveya Anderson
             Ag Science- Salena Wilson
   Agribusiness & Marketing- Mykell Benjamin

     Agribusiness & Marketing- Rasheed Hill
   Automotive Technology - LeBron Thomas
          Cosmetology 1- Breanna Capell

         Cosmetology 2 - Marnaisha Dow
                                                         Family and Consumer Science - Seavon Scott
       Digital Multimedia - Shadae Rembert
                                                              Foods and Nutrition - Ashante' Lowery
                                                               Foods and Nutrition - Ce'Onna Davis

                                                                   Marketing - Shakenya Franklin
                                                                 Health Science 1 - Ni Jaye Henry
     S  t  u  d  e  n t    o  f   t  h e    Q u  a  r t  e  r
     S  t  u  d  e  n t  s    R  e  c  o  g  n  i  z  e  d   f  o  r    C o  m p  l  e  t i  n g
                                                                 Health Science 1- Makayla Scott
     F  i n  a  n c  i  a l    L i  t e r a c  y    C o  u  r  s  e
     S  C   A g  r  i  b i  z   &    F  a  r  m    E x  p  o    Health Science 2 - Tequila Dinkins
     B  B & T    F  i  n  a  n c  i  a  l    L i  t  e  r a c  y    C e r t  i f  i c a  t  i o  n
                                                                Small Animal Care- Kaitelyn Gainey
     P  e  r  k  i  n  s    N  e  e  d  s    A  s  s  e  s s m  e  n  t    S u  r  v  e  y
     .  . .  .  a  n d    m  u  c  h   m  u c h   m o  r e !  !  !
                                                          Farm Animal Production- Quadriyyah Brown
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