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      J  A  N  U  A  R  Y     2  0  2  0 LCCTC DIGEST                                         I  S  S  U  E     N  O  .  O  N  E

                                   WEEK OF JANUARY 6-10, 2020

                               H O M E   O F   T H E   T E C H N O   S T A L L I O N S
                               H O M E   O F   T H E   T E C H N O   S T A L L I O N S
                    The Mission of the Lee County Career & Technology Center,

           an occupational and technical facility, is to prepare all students for

   success in the Global marketplace through innovative strategies and resources.

                      D  E C A    E M  E R G  I N G   L E A D  E R    H O N O  R  S   A W  A  R D
                                   S C H  O  L A R  S H  I P   A P P L I C A T  I O N
                                   SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION

                                            There is nothing more rewarding for a DECA advisor than to see
                                              his or her students achieve success through DECA. It’s even

                                               more special when you can recognize those members who
                                              have performed above and beyond in their service to DECA.
                                               The DECA Emerging Leader Honor Award does just that. It
                                               recognizes senior members who have been involved at the
                                              local, chartered association and DECA Inc. levels. These are

                                             members who have maintained at least a 3.2 cumulative grade
                                            point average, have completed at least one course in marketing,
                                             business management, and administration, entrepreneurship,

                                              finance or hospitality, and tourism, and have participated in a
                                            variety of activities that have helped them become community-
                                              oriented, professionally responsible, experienced leaders in
   IN THIS  WEEK'S ISSUE                     their communities.  The following students will be recognized
                                                 as the 2020 DECA Emerging Leader Award Recipients:
     D E C A   E M E R G I N G   L E A D E R S
     H E A L T H   S C I E N C E   F A S T   T R A C K
                                              Shataveya Anderson, Janiyah Cook, Jasmin Diaz, Aaliyah
     M L K   C E L E B R A T I O N
                                             Dinkins, Tevin Hickmon, Milalicia Joe, and Nicah Johnson.
     N E W   R E A L   C A R E   B A B I E S
     W A L L - W R I G H T   S C H O L A R S H I P
                                            Ms. T. Porter  and Mrs. J. Wilson would like to congratulate all of
                                                those students for submitting the proper paperwork and
                                                                      meeting deadlines.
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