Page 299 - New Agent Binder
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                         Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices has partnered with VaynerMedia, one of
                           the most well-known and prestigious advertising companies in the world.
                          This alliance has led to advertising on national media platforms, including:

                               DuPont is a monthly                                  Advertising in the Wall
                               publication in every US                              Street Journal will reach
                               State, every Canadian                                readers with the means to
                               Province, and 45 countries                           purchase luxury or vacation
                               around the world.                                    properties.

                               Departures is a luxury
                               magazine, covering travel,                            Unique is a high-end
                               shopping, fashion, design,                            magazine and an
                               arts, and culture. It caters                          international source for
                               to consumers with the                                 luxury real estate geared
                               means to purchase luxury                              toward an affluent
                               items like  primary and                               worldwide readership.
                               secondary  residences
                               around the world.

                               Prestige is a new, glossy,
                               magazine from BHHS that                                       Realtor and Real
                               showcases luxury and resort                                   Estate Magazine are
                               properties. This effectively                                  the industry’s
                               reaches a high-end                                            most-read
                               audience with the means to                                    publications.
                               make a luxury or resort
                               home purchase.

                                                                               Gary Vaynerchuk is best known for
                               The Robb Report is a luxury                     his work in digital and social media,
                               magazine published                              leading New York-based companies
                               bi-monthly.  Home & Style                       Vaynermedia and VaynerX. This
                               is published in conjunction                     coming year, Vaynermedia has
                               with Robb Report, and is                        curated personalized social media
                               placed on newsstands and                        content designed specifically to tell
                               in airports across the world.                   stories and capture attention for our
                                                                               agents to use, caption included.

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