Page 23 - 23 What is the Sanctuary
P. 23

cleansed,”  unquestionably  points  to  the

               sanctuary in heaven.

               But the most important question remains to

               be  answered:  What  is  the  cleansing  of  the

               sanctuary? That there was  such a  service in

               connection  with  the  earthly  sanctuary  is

               stated  in  the  Old  Testament  Scriptures.  But

               can  there  be  anything  in  heaven  to  be

               cleansed? In Hebrews 9 the cleansing of both

               the  earthly  and  the  heavenly  sanctuary  is

               plainly  taught.  “Almost  all  things  are  by  the

               law purged with blood; and without shedding

               of  blood  is  no  remission.  It  was  therefore

               necessary  that  the  patterns  of  things  in  the

               heavens  should  be  purified  with  these  [the

               blood  of  animals];  but  the  heavenly  things

               themselves with better sacrifices than these”

               (Hebrews 9:22, 23), even the precious blood

               of Christ.
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