Page 19 - 17 The Seven Last Plagues
P. 19


                                             Stephen N. Haskell

                 “Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at
                                              hand” Revelation 22:10.

               land.” Terrible is the wrath of God; He has but

               to  hide  His  face,  and  all  men  are  put  to

               confusion.  Satan,  once  light  bearer  in  the

               heavenly  court,  claimed  that  light  dwelt  in

               him. This will be a time for him to manifest his

               power; but the world finds that its prince, with

               all  his  followers,  is  enshrouded  in  the  same

               dense gloom. The light shines only upon the

               houses  of  Israel.  Each  little  company  is  still

               overshadowed  by  that  cloud  which  is  a

               protection  from  the  heat  and  a  light  in  the

               night. It is the same cloudy pillar which guided

               ancient Israel.

               The  wonderful  records  of  deliverance,

               scattered through the holy Word, are types of


               the final deliverance of God’s people when the
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