Page 20 - 10 Progress of Reform in Germany
P. 20

Reformation.  The  papist  princes  declared—

               and  many  were  ready  to  credit  the

               statement—that  the  rebellion  was  the

               legitimate  fruit  of  Luther's  doctrines.

               Although  this  charge  was  without  the

               slightest  foundation,  it  could  not  but  cause

               the Reformer great distress. That the cause of

               truth  should  be  thus  disgraced  by  being

               ranked  with  the  basest  fanaticism,  seemed

               more  than  he  could  endure.  On  the  other

               hand, the leaders in the revolt hated Luther

               because  he  had  not  only  opposed  their

               doctrines  and  denied  their  claims  to  divine

               inspiration, but had pronounced them rebels

               against the civil authority. In retaliation they

               denounced  him  as  a  base  pretender.  He

               seemed  to  have  brought  upon  himself  the

               enmity of both princes and people.
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